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Amp Up Your Energy with Iron

Are you lacking mental & physical energy?

We do not often consider our iron levels responsible when we feel tired and weak or a little out of breath upon exertion. However, this mineral can sometimes be the root cause of some unexplained symptoms, especially fatigue. Women are more likely to be low in iron during their reproductive years, but don't rule out an iron deficiency as the root cause of your low energy if you are older and of the opposite sex. An iron deficiency can affect men or women of any age.  

When iron levels are lower, insufficient amounts of oxygen do not reach tissues, muscles, and organs, including your heart, causing your body to work twice as hard to carry out its functions. The reduced oxygen causes you to feel tired, weak, faint, dizzy, and short of breath. You may even get headaches or heart palpitations.  

Low iron can cause more than just fatigue. When our cells are deprived of oxygen, every action in the body is affected, from our brain to our toes. This is why low iron can cause wounds to heal slowly, muscle weakness, difficulty with concentration and memory, depression, headaches, hair loss, and weaken our immune system. Iron deficiency also results in poor cognitive development, behavioural concerns, and ADHD in children.

Iron Fact- Iron deficiency is the most common nutrient deficiency in the world. In Canada,

Your body only stores approximately 25% of iron for future use, but even this level can become depleted through normal processes such as urination, defecation, sweating, and sloughing off skin cells. Conditions such as menstruation, pregnancy, cancer, surgery, bowel disorders (diverticulitis, polys, IBC, Crohn's, ulcerative colitis,) stomach disorders, and uterine fibroids may also affect your iron levels.

Your body continually loses iron through normal processes such as urination, defecation, sweating, and sloughing off skin cells. Conditions such as menstruation, pregnancy, cancer, surgery, bowel disorders (diverticulitis, polys, IBC, Crohn's, ulcerative colitis,) stomach disorders, and uterine fibroids may also affect your iron levels.

Some people likely to have low iron include vegans and vegetarians, women with heavy periods during pregnancy and breastfeeding and people taking acid-blocking medications for heartburn.

Signs of Symptoms of iron deficiency may include the following: 

  • Pale skin, especially under the eyes, nails and palms of hands
  • Brittle hair
  • Nails are thin, brittle, flattened and will become spoon-shaped if deficiency continues.
  • Pale Mucus membranes, most noticeable when you pull down your lower eyelid
  • Fatigue & weakness
  • Shortness of breath during exertion 
  • Increased infections (colds and flu) 
  • Poor concentration
  • Poor sleep 
  • Dizziness/faintness
  • Sore tongue/canker sores
  • Cold hands & feet
  • Ringing in the head or ears
  • Chest pain during exercise
  • Headaches
  • Restless leg syndrome
  • Dry and dull hair
  • Cracks at the corners of the mouth
Iron Doesn't have to be Constipating.
Floradix Liquid Iron Supplements

How well your body absorbs iron from your food sources often depends on how healthy your gut is (you need a healthy gut to absorb iron). Most iron supplements or OTC forms of iron use a form of "Ferrous Iron," which can cause unwanted side effects such as nausea, bloating, heartburn, abdominal pain, constipation, and black/tarry stools. 

We suggest Salus Floradix iron supplements. Salus iron is a gentle, effective supplement that increases iron levels in the body by promoting the formation of healthy red blood cells. The iron used in Floradix Liquid Iron is effectively absorbed, gentle on the digestive system, and reduces unwanted side effects. The additional vitamins in Floradix Iron (B1, B2, B6 and B12) work synergistically with iron to promote the formation of healthy red blood cells. In addition, B vitamins are essential for converting oxygen into energy once delivered to our cells.

Floradix Iron also contains a combination of nutrient-rich vegetables, fruits, and herbs carefully selected to improve iron digestion and absorption. The liquid form of Floradix makes it easy to adjust dosing and is more well-absorbed than pills or tablets. It is free from alcohol, lactose, and artificial additives and is vegetarian-friendly.

Optimal iron levels are essential for our overall wellness. If you are experiencing symptoms of low iron, especially fatigue, Floradix Liquid Iron by Salus is clinically proven to increase iron stores and boost energy.

Reclaim your energy with Salus Iron Supplements


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